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§ 1

The Art Theater Association, hereinafter referred to as SST, is a registered Association, operating on the basis of the applicable law on associations and therefore has legal personality

§ 2

The area of operation of the SST is the territory of the Republic of Poland and other countries, and the seat of the authorities is Bielsko-Biała.

§ 3

SST bases its activities on the voluntary work of its members; he may hire employees to conduct his affairs.

§ 4

SST may use seals and badges in accordance with applicable regulations.


§ 5

SST as an independent association of artists and art lovers, focused around the broadly understood idea of theater as a synthesis of arts, sets its main goals:

1.integration of the artistic community,

2.promotion and dissemination of artistic creativity in the country and abroad, with particular emphasis on the border region,

3.acting for the development of creativity through joint ventures of artists from various disciplines of art,

4.creating financial and organizational possibilities to support artistic activity,

5.promising the artistic achievements of SST members, promoting and disseminating art among young people,

6. cooperation with local and central authorities in matters concerning the community of artists associated with the SST.

§ 6

I. These goals are achieved by SST by:

1. arranging theatrical performances, music concerts, art exhibitions and other artistic events,

2. arranging meetings, lectures and other educational and promotional events,

3.organizing and running a club together with rooms intended for theatrical activities and other forms of SST activity,

4. publishing and publishing activities,

5.organization of festivals and competitions,

6.maintaining contacts with various types of artistic circles in Poland and abroad,

7. running a business in order to obtain funds for artistic activities.

II. The objectives of the Association are implemented in the following forms of activity classified according to the Polish Classification of Activities (PKD):

1. Activities of houses and cultural centers (PKD 92.31.F);

2. Artistic and literary creative activity, not elsewhere classified (PKD 92.31.G);

3. Activities of cultural facilities (PKD 92.32.Z);

4. Other amusement activity, not elsewhere classified (PKD 92.34.Z);

5. Activities of dramatic and puppet theaters (PKD 92.31.A);

6. Activities of galleries and exhibition halls (PKD 92.31.E);

7. Other catering establishments (PKD 55.30.B);

8. Bars (PKD 55.40.Z).


§ 7

SST members are divided into:

1. ordinary

2. honorary

3. supporters

§ 8

An ordinary member of the SST may be a natural person who is 16 years of age and has Polish citizenship, who will be accepted by the SST Management Board on the basis of a written declaration. In justified cases, an ordinary member may become a foreigner permanently residing in the Republic of Poland or abroad, who, after submitting a written declaration, will be accepted by the SST Management Board.

§ 9

Ordinary members have the right to:

a) elect and be elected to the SST authorities,

b) participate in SST meetings with a decisive vote,

c) make conclusions and postulates towards the SST authorities,

d) use the facilities, services and assistance of SST.

§ 10

Ordinary members of SST are obliged to:

a) pursue and promote the goals of SST,

b) take an active part in the life and activities of SST,

c) pay membership fees regularly,

d) comply with the provisions of the SST Statutes, regulations and resolutions of the SST authorities.

§ 11

1. An honorary member may be a natural person who has been especially merited in achieving the goals of the SST.

2. The dignity of an honorary member is conferred and the title is deprived by the General Meeting of Members at the request of the Management Board of SST.

3. An honorary member has all the rights and obligations of an ordinary member, and is also exempt from paying membership fees.

§ 12

1. A supporting member of SST may be a natural or legal person who will provide financial or material assistance to SST and will pay membership fees.

2. Supporting members have all the rights of an ordinary member, except for active and passive voting rights.

3. Supporting members are accepted on the basis of a resolution of the SST Management Board.

§ 13

Membership in the SST ceases in the event of:

1.voluntary withdrawal from SST submitted in writing,

2. removal from the list of members,

3.exclusion by a valid decision of the Arbitration Court,

4. liquidation of a legal person - a supporting member,

5.loss of legal capacity by a natural person,

6.a conviction by a valid court judgment for an intentional crime,

7. death of an SST member who is a natural person.

§ 14

Removal from the list of SST members referred to in § 13 point 2 may take place in the event of:

1.evoidance from participating in the work of the SST,

2. unjustified arrears in paying membership fees for a period of six months.

Removal from the list of members is made by the Management Board. SST members have the right to appeal to the General Meeting of Members, which will adopt the final resolution at the next session.


§ 15

The authorities of the SST are:

a) General Meeting of Members

b) the Management Board

c) Audit Committee

d) the Peer Court

§ 16

1. The term of office of all SST authorities is 4 (four) years and their election is by secret ballot.

2. The formation of the newly elected authorities shall take place no later than within one month from the date of the election.

3. Until the newly elected authorities are formed, the authorities of the previous term of office remain in operation.

4. Unless other regulations provide otherwise, resolutions of the SST authorities are passed by a simple majority of votes in the presence of at least half of the total number of people entitled to vote. In the event of an equal number of votes, the President has the casting vote.

5. Members of the Audit Committee may not be members of other SST authorities at the same time.

§ 17

In the event of resignation of a member of the SST authorities, cancellation or loss of membership, the composition of these authorities is supplemented from among the alternates selected by the General Meeting of Members, in the order in which votes are obtained, and in the absence of votes, the selection is made at the next session by the General Meeting of Members.

§ 18

All SST authorities are required to:

1. Investigate and consider applications, requests and complaints of SST members and inform interested parties about the manner of settling the reported matters.

2. Systematically inform SST members about adopted resolutions.

General Meeting of Members

§ 19

1. The General Meeting of Members is the highest authority of the SST.

2. The General Meeting of Members is convened as ordinary or extraordinary.

3. The Ordinary General Meeting of Members is convened by the Management Board once a year.

4. The Management Board notifies the date and place of the Annual General Meeting of Members at least 14 days before the date of the meeting.

§ twenty

1. The Extraordinary General Meeting of Members may be held at any time on the initiative of:

a) the Management Board

b) at the request of the Audit Committee

c) upon a written request of at least 1/3 of the SST members.

2. The Extraordinary General Meeting of Members is convened within 4 weeks from the date of submitting the application and deliberates on the issues for which it was convened.

3. The provision of § 19 item 4 shall apply accordingly.

§ 21

1. The agenda of the General Meeting of Members is established by the Management Board, informing the members of it at least 14 days before the date of the meeting.

2. Comments and motions regarding the daily agenda of the General Meeting of Members should be submitted no later than 7 days before the date of the meeting.

§ 22

Ordinary and honorary ordinary members take part in the General Meeting of Members with an advisory vote, and extraordinary honorary members, supporting members and invited guests with an advisory vote.

§ 23

The competences of the General Assembly include in particular:

1. Adopting the program and main directions of SST activity.

2. Consideration of the reports of the Management Board, the Audit Committee and the Peers' Court.

3. Assessment of the activities of SST and its authorities, as well as consideration of the application of the Audit Committee for granting discharge to the outgoing Management Board.

4. Adopting changes to the statute.

5. Adoption of a resolution on the dissolution of the SST and allocation of its assets.

6. Election and dismissal of the SST authorities, ie the Management Board, the Audit Committee and the Peers' Court.

7. Consideration of appeals against the Management Board's resolutions on removal from the list of SST members.

8. Determining the amount of membership fees and the date of their payment.


§ 24

1. The Management Board directs the activities of the SST and represents them outside, unless further provisions of the Articles of Association provide otherwise.

2. The Management Board consists of 4 members who elect the President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer from among themselves.

3. Meetings of the Management Board are held at any time, at least once a quarter.

4. At the meetings of the Management Board, resolutions are passed by a simple majority of votes.

§ 25

The competences of the SST Management Board include, in particular:

1. Managing the overall activities of the SST based on the resolutions and decisions of the General Meeting of Members.

2. Adopting the SST financial plan and accepting reports on its implementation.

3. Adoption of resolutions on the acquisition and sale of SST assets, management of these assets and incurring liabilities on behalf of SST.

4. Accepting donations and subscriptions.

5. Representing the SST externally.

6. Adopting resolutions on accepting and deleting SST members.

7. Adopting the regulations of the SST activity in matters not reserved for the General Meeting of Members.

8. Submitting reports to the General Meeting of Members on the activities of the Management Board.

revision Committee

§ 26

1. The Audit Committee is the controlling body of the SST.

2. The Audit Committee consists of 3 people - the Chairman and two members.

3. Meetings of the Audit Committee are held as needed, but not less frequently than twice a year.

§ 27

The competences of the Audit Committee include:

1. Controlling the purposefulness, correctness and compliance with the legal provisions of the entire activity, with particular emphasis on financial management, at least once a year.

2. Applying to the SST Management Board with motions resulting from the conducted inspection and requesting explanations.

3. Presenting reports on its activities to the General Meeting of Members.

4. Application for granting a vote of approval to the outgoing Management Board.

Peer Court

§ 28

1. The Fellow-Members' Court is an independent court of the SST. Members of the court adjudicate in accordance with their conscience as well as the SST statute and the principles of social coexistence.

2. The Peers' Court consists of 3 members elected at the General Meeting of Members.

3. The Fellow-Members' Court may adjudicate:

a) a warning

b) rebuke

c) exclusion from SST

4. The decision of the Arbitral Tribunal may be appealed against to the General Meeting of Members within 14 days from the date of announcement of the decision, via the Management Board. The appeal should be presented at the next session of the General Meeting of Members for final settlement.

§ 29

The competences of the Fellow-Members' Court include examining and adjudicating cases of SST members in the scope of:

1.failure to comply with the statute, regulations and resolutions of the SST authorities and acting to their detriment,

2.committing dishonorable acts,

3. disputes arising between members of the SST over matters and obligations arising from their membership in the SST.


§ thirty

1. The assets of the SST are: real estate, movables and funds.

2. The SST Funds include:

a) membership fees,

b) donations, bequests and inheritance

c) income from statutory activities,

d) subsidies,

e) income from public donation,

f) income from economic activity conducted by the SST on the basis of separate regulations.

§ 31

For the validity of letters and documents regarding SST property matters, signatures of two persons are required - the President of the SST or the Vice-President and a person authorized by the Management Board.

§ 32

SST conducts accounting in accordance with applicable regulations.


§ 33

A resolution on amending the statute, dissolving the SST and allocating its assets is taken by the General Meeting of Members by a majority of 2/3 of votes in the presence of at least 1/2 entitled to vote.

§ 34

In the event of dissolution of the SST on the basis of its own resolution, the liquidators are the members of its Management Board.

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